
生命季刊 / 黄子嘉牧师


1962年由台湾成功大学土木工程系毕业, 于1963年蒙召专心传道。曾获台北中华福音神学院道学硕士美国三一神学院神学硕士及Concordia Seminary神学博士。曾在台湾牧会7年,在浸信宣道会神学院任教2年,在中华福音神学院任教16年,期间任教务长7年及院长7年。1997年至2012年任美国新泽西州若歌教会主任牧师,2013年起改任荣誉牧师。后曾任亚特兰大华人基督教会北堂主任牧师,2018年10月起改任“荣誉主任牧师”。

Rev./Dr. Caleb Huang received his B.S. in Civil Engineering from National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan in 1962. He was called for full-time ministry in 1963. He holds a M. Div. from ChungHwa Evangelical Theological Seminary, Taipei, THM from Trinity Evangelical Divinity School, Deerfield, Illinois; and PHD from Concordia Seminary, St. Louis.  Rev Huang pastored a church in Taiwan for 7 years, taught in Taiwan Conservative Baptist Seminary for 2 years, and China Evangelical Theological Seminary(CETS) for 16 years. He served as provost for 7 years and chancellor for 7 years in CETS.  From 1997 to 2012, he served as the senior pastor of the Rutgers Chinese Christian Church (RCCC). From 2013 to 2018, he served as the senior pastor of Atlanta Chinese Christian Church North (ACCCN) .  He is the pastor emeritus of RCCC and ACCCN.