
生命季刊 /  (Page 2)

刘传章牧师 祖籍山东,生于南韩,19岁信主后即献身事奉。先后于五间神学院取得学士、硕士和博士学位;在韩国、台湾、香港及美国牧会,事主50余年。2014年于马利兰中华圣经教会退休后,仍四处奔走主领聚会。历届“中国福音大会”和“香港传道人培训”讲员,“基要福音派传道人联盟”顾问牧师。...

范浩沙博士 是美国三一神学院系统神学研究教授。威斯敏斯特神学院道学硕士(M.Div.),英国 剑桥大学神学博士(Ph.D)。他著述颇丰,涉及神学、释经学和文化等领域。 Dr. Kevin J. Vanhoozer is an American Reformed evangelical and Research Professor of Systematic Theology at Trinity Evangelical Divinity School. He received his M Div form Westminster Theological Seminary and PhD from Cambridge University. He is the author and editor of numerous books including theology, biblical studies and culture....